Devotions 31-07-07
Ps 150:6
Let everything tha has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
It was a year ago that I wrote on this Psalm about the instruments and what they indicate in my praise to God. I did memorize the Psalm and have meditated on it often. Just recently I became aware that I had missed the last group to praise the Lord which is the most important.
The last group to praise the Lord is everything that has breath. It is living beings of which me and you are the ones that can have a vital personal relationship with God. Instruments are great and some do require our breath to play but even more personal is that as a living being that I praise the Lord with my words and the breath that God gives to me.
I think this praise from my personal being is the highth of my praise to God. Instruments are good but my words and my thoughts are so much better in expressing how much I truly appreciate and value God in my life.
Lord, I do want to express to You personally all You mean to me and all that I have because of You. There is no one in all creation that loves me as You do or has given to me treasures that are eternal. Lord, help me to grow in my Praise to You and learn to express this praise continually and with all my heart and soul and strength.