Devotions 22-09-08 (Ps 67:03 & 05)
Ps 67:3 & 5 "Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You."
"Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You."
When God repeats Himself it is for a strong emphasis. I must pay close attention to this repetition and be sure I am grasping more than just the surface thought but the real depth of the statement and seek to apply it to my life.
This is the prayer of the Psalmist to God for all peoples and for God's glory. He did not say make everyone to praise God but to let them do this of their own accord and because they truly desire to do so. How does God do this?
He does it through His everlasting love and grace. His perfect salvation that is a gift to me on the basis of faith. God gives me so many opportunities to Praise Him and do I take these opportuities? It is to my benefit when I do stop my busyness and Praise Him for all He does for me day by day and moment by moment. It is so comforting and reassuring when I develop an attitude of Praise in my life because of all God has done for me. Even those things I do not understand and are hard, I can still praise the Him because I have learned to trust Him with everything in my life.
Lord, I do want to give You Praise for all You have done for me in my life. I want my life to be an example of Praise to others who know me. Oh, Lord, help me to take advantage to Praise You at evry opportunity that You make available to me. Help me not to make this a religious routine but a genuine expression of Honor to You. Lord, may my example cause others to express Praise to You for all You are doing in their lives as well. Tomorrow I want to use this last Saturday as a day in which there was so much to express Praise to You about. I know every day I should be able to do the same but Sep 20th was one of these very miracle days in which God was doing so many things for me and I had so much for which I could give You Praise.
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