Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Devotions 25-07-07

Ps 146:1-4
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

I was created to give God praise! Why is it so difficult to do that consistently? I can even say it but down deep in my soul there is many times the words are just words and I know that is not right. I want to say it with a burning passion from deep within my soul. I long for it to be a vital part of my day, every day. Not only do I want to say it but I want to sing it with joy and gladness of soul and spirit.

I can not trust in leaders of men because there is no lasting salvation that they can give me. They will die just like me and need salvation from God just as I do. Other men have the same limitations basically as I do and can give me only limited help. God can give me unlimited help because He is God.

Oh, Lord help me to see and understand with a deep conviction that You are worthy of my praise every day. I must spend time in praise and worship as often as I have the opportunity but at least several times a day. It is not a routine or a duty but it must be passion in my heart and soul that bubbles out of my life because of what You mean to me. You are a loving God who does mighty things beyond what anyone can possibly imagine. You are good and only does what is good. I Praise You Lord and give You Thanks!!!


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