Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Devotions 04-12-07 (Eph 3:19)

"and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God"

I want to revisit this verse again and make some more notes that I have thought about the last few days. How is the love of Christ greater than knowledge? What is the love of Christ?

I think the love of Christ is perfect love. He loved us even when we were so unlovable. He humbled Himself to be like us and served mankind as a servant. Then He allowed men to treat Him as a criminal and to bear the judgement of the Father against all sin. He went to the Cross to die for the sins of all mankind. That is the love of Christ!

So how do I gain the love of Christ. First I begin with the knowledge of what love is; that is pretty clear in I Corinthians 13. Then I must seek to live this truth in all my relationships. Last of all I live this truth when I am opposed and go through difficult trials yet I keep loving. This is the love of Christ that is far greater than any knowledge I may gain.

Am I willing to pay such a price for the love of Christ? I cannot unless I have an eternal perspective. Only then does it really make sense. It is not an easy path to follow and one that requires faith and courage. Yet it is the most glorious love that the world will ever know and I can be a part of it by faith in God.


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