Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Devotions 01-11-06

Job 8: 5-7
"If you would seek God and implore the compassion of the Almighty, if you are pure and upright, surely now He would rouse Himself for you and restore your righteous estate. Though your beginning was insignificant, yet your end will increase greatly."

This all sounds so true and in many ways it is except God has the choice to do as He pleases and He knows what is best for us. This is so hard for us to understand because we think if we do all the right things everything will go perfect. That is not reality or the way life is.

God has tests and trials to perfect our faith and to demonstrate to a watching world that God is able to give us peace and joy regardless of our situation. I Pet 1:6-7 is clear on this truth and also I Pet 4: 12-13.

Lord, help me to remember when things are tough that I will rest in you and seek to honor You in all my trials and difficulties. I know that much of my difficulties is because of my own sin and I want to repent of those as quickly as I am able. Help me to cling to Your Word and the promises of forgiveness and strength after I have turned to You from my ways that get me often in trouble. You are the Almighty and I desire to honor You in every way.


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