Devotions 11-02-08 (Eph 5:23-33)
Today I am on the third part of my responsibility as the husband of my wife. Let me review the five items as I listed them a few days ago.
1. I am to be the head of my wife and I have the responsibility to lead her.
2. I am to love my wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.
3. I am to love my wife just as I love my own body.
4. I am to leave my mom and dad and home to establish my own home.
5. I am to hold on tightly to my wife so that we become as one person.
How do I love my wife like I do my own body? I think the main point in this statement is to not be selfish. I am not to think only of how I feel and what I need but to think of my wife just as much or even more than I think of myself. The scripture says "He who loves his own wife loves himself.."
There is a book out called " Do yourself a favor--Love your wife" It is all about how loving my wife gets far more benefits for me than I can imagine. I do not love her for that reason but I love her because that is God's command to me. Yet the benefits that I gain are amazing.
Lord, protect me from ever being selfish toward my wife. Help me to be giving and showering her with my love even when she is having a bad day and is struggling with issues in her own life. Help me to truly love her as much or more than I do my own self.
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