Friday, February 08, 2008

Devotions 08-02-08 (Eph 5:23-33)

Today I am on the same passage but on a different part. Today I want to focus on: "Husbands love your wives as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her;"

Do I love my wife so much that I am willing to die for her like Christ did the church. Am I willing to die to my selfishness and pride and serve her when I have the opportunity. Does these actions dilute or hamper my leadership over her. I think not but would help her to be more willing to follow my leadership.

God is telling me in this passage that leading must also have love in order for it to be effective leadership. Christ was the perfect leader but was not harsh or prideful. In fact humility and patience and love was what people saw most in His life. I think those qualities should be more in my life along with the clear decisiveness in my leading.

Love is an act of the will more than it is an emotion. I love even when my wife is not very loveable. God did not tell me to love her under certain conditions but to love her just as Christ loved. I can only do this with God's help so I must be in close fellowship with God to fulfill my responsibility. This causes me to be more dependent upon God and more humble before Him.

Lord, thank You for Your amazing love for me. Thank You for the precious woman You gave to me nearly 50 years ago. I have not lead nor loved as You have directed me to do. I am still very much learning and I want to be a better leader and more loving leader than I have been in the past. Lord help me to do some specific things to improve. Thank You.


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