Thursday, August 02, 2007

Devotions 02-08-07

I Timothy 2:8

Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension.

So God wants men everywhere to pray. Not only to pray but to pray in a certain way and with certain guidelines. I think it is sometimes hard for men to pray period. Men are always wanting to do things and to many, and I include myself, at times feel they should be doing something more important. The truth is there is generally nothing more important. God wants us to pray so we should make that a priority.

First I need to pray with holy hands. I need to pray with my sins confessed and having nothing against anyone nor knowing that someone is upset with me and we have not talked. I must come before God wanting His will and willing to do His will. Second I must not be angry with anyone but to be at peace with everyone I know. My spirit must not be troubled by any unsettled issues with anyone. Third I must not have a strong angry disagreement with anyone which is partisan and leads to contention and quarreling. I can not pray to a Holy God when these issues are in my mind, soul or spirit.

Maybe this is why men find it hard to pray. Many times I find it hard to meet the qualifications or take the time to insure these issues are not present in my life. I can also at times forget to consider these issues and pray but find that my praying is not effective.

Lord, help me as I pray this morning to pray with holy hands and not have any angry toward anyone or disagreements that would lead me to quarrel with anyone. I want to pray for Your will to be done and that I would be available to serve You in any way that I can. Most of all, Lord, I want to pray so You may move and act in the world in which I am in so You are glorified and Your work is accomplished among all people. I am so grateful that You hear and answer our prayers.


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