Sunday, September 24, 2006

Devotions 23-09-06

Prov 30: 7-9
"Two things I asked of You, do not refuse me before I die: keep deception and lies far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is my portion, lest I be full and deny You and say, "Who is the Lord?" or lest I be in want and steal and profane the name of my God."

There are two things being asked of God. 1. Protect me from being deceived by others and believing the lies that the world is proclaiming as truth. 2. Do not give me poverty or riches because both extremes has great danger for me in my walk with God.

When I am affluent and can do more and have more and I can begin to think that I do not need God. Or I could be so busy managing my wealth that I do not have time to spend with God and to obey what He wants me to do. In my years on the mission field I have learned to do with out a lot of things I thought I needed to live life. It is much better to serve the Lord and do His will than to have all that affluence gives.

The other extreme of wealth is poverty. If I am poor I do not have the necessities of life and covet what others have and will be tempted to steal and that would dishonor my God. Also in poverty I am a burden to those around me and will have difficulty in proclaiming Christ; my life would be unattractive to those in the world because of my poverty.

The lies and deception around me from the world is that I should have wealth so I can be a better witness for Christ. That is a lie from satan and is very clearly not a biblical truth. The life of Jesus does not support such a lie. There are very few Christians that God can trust with wealth.

Thank You Lord for those who have taught me the Word of God to protect me from the deception and lies of the world. I am grateful for neither wealth or poverty and know this has been the very best for me and my family and the ministry You have graciously given me. Help me Lord to keep my focus on You and not what I possess.


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