Thursday, February 21, 2008

Devotions 21-02-08 (Prov 22:6)

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."

The training of children is an amazing and wonderful experience. God has made it possible for every married couple, with a few exceptions , to be able to have children and to train them to be unique beautiful persons. God teaches us some valueable principles that we must follow if we are going to be successful. Good children do not come about by chance but following the truths of God.

The first is understanding the bent or personality of a child. How did God make him or her? What are some born traits about this child? The parent must learn that and fit that child into training them along their birth traits. When a parent does this they are fitting into God's design for this person.

Of course much of the way a child should go is in the direction of knowing their Saviour and their God. It is teaching them the ways of God and doing the things that are pleasing to God . How do we do this? I will look at this tomorrow.

Lord what a joy it is to see children grow up knowing their Savior and God and to be trained in what they really enjoy doing and excell at it. I pray that my grandchildren will have the opportunity to grasp their bent in life and prepare for the work that God has for them. In the process of their work that they would make Christ known in the world in which they will live. Use me Lord to encourage them and help them in this path You have for them.


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