Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Devotions 08-01-07 (thoughts on goals)

Yesterday I shared some goals for 2008 and I would like to elaborate on those a little.

Our main goal this year is to move from Tallinn, Estonia to the USA and finish up our years of ministry in our own country. We have basically lived in Europe the past 15 years. Five years in St Petersburg, Russia and two years moving out of Russia and getting settled into to Tallinn. In the early '60's we lived in Europe in Italy and Germany for about 4 years. I was in the US Air Force during those years.

There is a two fold purpose in this move of '08. The first is to make the move and second is to make it with a greater dependence on God than we have before. So it is both a physical event and a spiritual event. I would say in general we have always sought to make the Lord a part of all we do. I think this year we want to focus on this a lot more.

The first verse is Phil 4:6-7 and it is about not being anxious about things but instead to pray about them and let God direct us in what we should do. Our first item is our airline tickets which we scheduled for April 16 th, yesterday. We need to buy them tomorrow if that is what God want us to do.

Lord, help us to be alert to what You are leading us to do. Help us to not race ahead but neither to lag behind in the items we should do. This is just one example of what we long to do and which would bring You honor and Glory in this move.


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