Monday, August 07, 2006

Devotions 07-08-06

Prov 7:1-3
"My son, keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart."

The rest of this chapter is about the temptations of a harlot. As the world becomes more sensual and immorality is more accepted the more I must be prepared to resist what the flesh desires. This applies to single men and women, married men and women and old men and women. No one is beyond temptations and it is a very dangerous. It could cost me my life.

God's instructions to me are to know and obey what God says. I am to keep His commands and His teachings very clear and in focus. I must not forget them but have them with me at all times. Tie a string around my fingers to remember them or write them very clearly on the writing pad of my heart.

I know many have a hang up with scripture memory and especially as we get older. Yet an active brain is very healthy and having God's vital truths readily available is a wise practice. I know I must be diligent in making my scripture memory a vital part of my walk with God. I know God's Word in my heart has protected me and guided me more than any other spiritual discipline. I think the above verses are very clear how important it is to memorize God's Word. Proverbs is full of this urging and I must be serious about this or pay the consequences.


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