Thursday, July 27, 2006

Devotions 27-07-06

Ps 149:1&3

"Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song,and His praise in the congregation of the godly ones.
Let them praise His name with dancing; let them sing praises to Him with tumbrel and lyre."

Praising God should not be boring and I think sometimes it is. That may be mostly my fault but we can help each other to not be bored in our praise. I think the admonition to sing to the Lord a new song is good advice. I know some of the songs of old have great meaning and we should not forget them but we need a new song that I can sing with joy from my being. I must keep my praise fresh and new and not allow routine to creep in.

I need the fellowship of others to encourage me in my praise of God. So I must seek for other believers that will spark my life of praise and I can encourage them as well. There is power in praise as I join with others of like heart.

Then there is dancing with praise to God. We have let the world color our view of dancing to be sensual and so much of the flesh. I think dancing can be done in holiness to the Lord. I do not see much of this but I think it is possible. It is a way of putting more expression into your words and putting more of your being into you expressions of praise.

I think singing with tumbrel and lyre is also a way of expressing how we want to praise the Lord more than just words. Words seem so inadequate and you want to add something to it at times. Maybe just tapping your foot or moving a little would help.

I must be very careful that my focus is on the Lord and not anything else. Most of all I want my praise to exhaled the Lord of all creation and the God of my salvation. My life must follow my expressions of praise in the way I live everyday.


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