Devotions 24-03-08 (Eph 6:18)
"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,"
Paul has talked about the armor of God that I need to fight against the evil forces around me but then there is prayer. It could be part of the armor or it is what I need all the time in using the armor of God.
I am to pray at all times and not just to say words but I must be in vital communion with the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I need the Holy Spirit to help me to express my thoughts in a way that are honoring to God and in line what He says to me in His Word. This requires some focus on my part that I am not expressing just my selfish thoughts but I want to have God honoring words in my conversation with the Almighty. That is why I must not seperate God's Word from my thought when I am speaking with God.
Not only should I pray for my needs and concerns but I should pray for others who have needs as well. This is not all about me but about God who has given me so much and I want to serve Him and to honor Him with this life He has given me.
I am grateful that God continues to remind me of the importance and value of prayer in all I do. I am not the man of prayer I ought to be but I think I am learning the value of it more every day that I live. Maybe as I get older and I am weaker in the flesh I see how much more I need the Lord's help in all that I do. God has the power to do anything and He is just and loving in all He does. Lord, I seek Your will and Your strength today.
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